Why do you need a robust Delivery Management System?
An average
522 hours
Spends 522 hours every year doing manual accounting and reporting
8-12 calls
Makes 8-12 follow-up calls every day to manager and delivery boy to know the delivery status
An average
Delivery man
192 hours
Spends 192 hours every year making manual entries in delivery notebook
8 calls
Makes 8 unnecessary calls daily for address identification and status updates
An average
Order again
Does not order again when delivery is delayed
3 calls
Makes 3 calls per order to know the delivery status and to guide the delivery boy home
Smarter system
Faster deliveries
Greater profits
30% more faster
Ensure and execute faster deliveries to your customers with optimum route navigation in the delivery management app
50% more efficient
Enhance efficiency in upwards of 50% over the manual delivery process with a free delivery management software
70% savings in resources
Save your money, time, efforts and labour with an easy to use, transparent and automated delivery management platform in-built with ERP software
100% delivery automation
Eliminate complex processes like manual entries in the delivery book, delivery assigning, following up, accounting, and reporting with a robust delivery management
Fool proof system
Gain complete control over your delivery staff, cash flow, and product return management with a delivery tracking app
15% increase in no. of deliveries
Increase your delivery radius, reach more customers, and process more deliveries with your own delivery management solution
Avoid third- party platforms
Grow your margins by delivering independently with your own delivery management solution
Deliver delight
Delight customers with a real-time delivery status SMS update through your delivery tracking app
A simple platform to simplify your delivery process
A complete portal to process, assign and track deliveries, view the reports and perform the accounting and a delivery management app for the delivery boys to execute deliveries to the customers.
Experience your delivery platform

Store steps to doorsteps
A complete delivery management solution
Success stories of smart deliveries
Overview of delivery management app
What is delivery management software?
A delivery management software is to help you perform home deliveries to your customers in a smarter way with minimal cost, skills, and least manpower. It helps you avoid manual entries and let your delivery boys perform deliveries faster and to a larger radius resulting in increased customer base and sales.
Why do businesses need a delivery management app?
5 reasons to have a delivery management app for your business:
- To streamline your home deliveries with 100% automation
- To perform faster home deliveries and deliver delight to your customers
- To perform deliveries with minimal labourers
- To have complete control over the delivery boy's location, cash receivables and item returns
- To track the status of each delivery and avoid follow-ups
What are the advantages of a delivery tracking and management platform?
When you have a good delivery management platform you can,
- Have transparent tracking of delivery boys and delivery statuses
- Perform smart deliveries and deliver the best customer experience
- Eliminate worrying about your delivery boys attrition since all addresses are captured in Maps
- Ensure error-free deliveries, track and act on rescheduled or cancelled deliveries
Why is Gofrugal GoDeliver the best delivery management system?
Gofrugal's GoDeliver is a complete delivery management platform that offers various benefits to your boost your business. GoDeliver, the delivery management solution,
- Lets you perform 30% faster deliveries by saving 2 hours of a delivery boy's time in a day
- Ensure zero followups to the store manager with an automatic real-time status update in POS for each status change made in the delivery app
- Guides delivery boys even with the least skills to reach the delivery location faster with the help of Google maps navigation for route navigation
- Keep your customers informed on the real-time status of delivery with home delivery management software SMS feature
- Manage cash and receivables from delivery boys with session management feature
- Manage item returns of damaged items with ease in the delivery management app to maintain accurate inventory
Importance of delivery management app in retail businesses in Pandemic?
Closure of the physical stores during this pandemic has left the retail industry to suffer without being able to serve the customers. However, the retailers who had given importance to digital and omnichannel solutions have come out of this very easily by multiplying their customer radius and make more business during the pandemic. This has set an example to other retailers and pushed them to reimagine their business with an omnichannel Delivery management platform to satisfy and serve more customers.
Having a delivery tracking app during this pandemic you can,
- Execute safer and faster deliveries
- Retain existing customers, and expand your delivery radius and make more business
- Manage many orders and not lose a sale with a delivery management platform
How to download the Delivery management app for free from Gofrugal?
You can download Gofrugal's Delivery management solution GoDeliver by clicking below.
Delivery management app download