Spot the bill tampering at your store | Retail MalpracticesApril 11, 2018May 15, 2024by Samrat Sundar
4 tips to choose the right Distribution Management Software for your businessMarch 28, 2018May 15, 2024by Samrat Sundar
Successful Retailers in The Manchester of South India are benefited by GOFRUGALFebruary 23, 2018May 15, 2024by Samrat Sundar
50 Outlets by 2020 – GOFRUGAL will be an integral part of this journey!November 24, 2017May 12, 2023by Samrat Sundar
6 things that make your distribution business faster and saferOctober 24, 2017May 13, 2024by Samrat Sundar